Halo Halong Pinoy

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Woodstock for nonbelievers : A reason Rally

 I Hope there is a simultaneous rally like this one in the Philippines. its about time that the voice of non- believer like me to be heard.

On March 24, the National Mall will be occupied by the Reason Rally, an event that pulls together those seculars who don’t accept that there’s a higher power. It’s being billed as a “Woodstock for nonbelievers.”
Paul Fidalgo, communications director at the Center for Inquiry, said that, despite appearances, this isn’t a rally about believing in nothing. There’s actually an agenda involved — and that includes current politics, the 2012 race and President Barack Obama.

Read the original article: www.politico.com

1 comment:

Daddy Jam said...

I'm just curious and I hope you don't mind. I just wonder, what made you a non-believer?

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