Halo Halong Pinoy

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

UP Singing Ambassadors wins several awards in Europe

The University of the Philippines Singing Ambassadors (UPSA), led by its founder/conductor Ed Manguiat, wins several awards during their recently concluded European tour.

The group brought home a grand prize (Prague, Czech Republic) and several first prizes in prestigious competitions in Torrevieja, Spain and Gorizia, Italy.

Awards include: 1st prize, Polyphony category, Best Interpretation of a Habanera, and Premio del Publico (Prize of Public) at the 51st Certamen Internacional de Habaneras y Polifonia de Torrevieja, Spain; Grand Prize winner (Laureate of the Festival), and 1st prize, both in Mixed Choir and Chamber Choir categories at the 3rd International Choir Competition of Sacred Music (Musica Sacra Praga), Czech Republic;

1st prize, Folkloric category and Best Interpretation of an Obligatory Piece at the 44th "C.A. Seghizzi" International May Choir Competition, Italy; and, 4th place, Chamber Choir category at the 28th "Prof. Georgi Dimitrov" International May Choir Competition, Bulgaria.

The group also performed at various festivals like "Arezzo Sbandieratori Medieval Feast" and the "37th Festival Internazionale del Folklore", in Aviano and Piancavallo, Italy, respectively; and the famous 13th Festival Internazionale de Chant Choral de Nancy in France, where UPSA earned accolades and received standing ovations in all their performances.

Other highlights of the UPSA tour were the visits they made at the Home for the Aged in Luzern, Switzerland and Alsace, France; the Cancer Institute in Aviano, Italy; and, the Regional Prison in Strasburg, France.

The group also visited a few schools in Nancy, France and Athen, Greece and conducted workshops.

In the country, the group is set to hold two "Homecoming Concerts" on Oct. 6, 7 p.m., at the Church of the Risen Lord, UP Diliman, Q.C., and on Oct. 22, 7 p.m., at the Philamlife Auditorium, U.N. Ave., Manila.

These concerts will feature some of their winning songs like Toledo's "Alitaptap", Fuentes/ Sanchez's "Tu" and Guiseppe Bianco's "In Laude."

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